This is a one-sheet for The Real Don Steele from the 1965 KHJ Sales Folder. The text reads:
As If There Could Be Any Reasonable Facsimile
Dashing Don, friend of the working girl, is that rare specimen known as a Native Hollywoodian. Realizing that lack of experience meant a life spent in daytime FM, he packed his bindle for a whirlwind tour of the provinces ... and brought back enough laurels to place him in the coveted 3-6 p.m. trick on Boss Radio.
Among the decorations in his trophy case are the Pulse reports showing his slot in Washington moving from 5th to 1st in six months ... his Omaha show pulverizing all opposition ... the maintenance of the No. 1 rating in Portland ... and most recently pulling San Francisco’s No. 4 time slot to a commanding No. 1 in less than six months. Don combines the winning qualities of pulling an audience and then selling them.
Already becoming a late-afternoon draw from Ventura to San Diego, he is a natural choice for people who want to sell boxcar loads of their product. Get aboard!